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Mini Dragon Group (ages 6-7)

Public·25 members
Myron Markov
Myron Markov


Purpose: Set up polygenic model with class specific parameterizationUsage: polyclass [-g] [-intrait] [-incovar] [[-]]+ [-comb] [-maxi] [-rincovar] [-maxsnp ] sporclass [-g] [-intrait] [-incovar] [[-]]+ [-comb] [-maxi] [-rincovar] [-maxsnp ] -g Use global phenotypic values to set parameter adjustments (otherwise, means are determined for each class) -intrait inormalize trait values on a per-class basis -resmax inormalize residual values in place of traits -incovar (NOT WORKING IN version 7.1.2) inormalize covar values on a per-class basis (only used for simple linear covariates, no interactions or exponents) -comb all classes combined model -max after building the model, maximize it -maxsnp Maximize and include snp_name as covariate in the model and determine statistics for it: beta, beta se, chi, p, and variance explained (varexp). H2r's are reported for the models with and without the snp. -append Append results to existing output file(s) if anyShort Example: trait q4 covariate age sex polyclass 1-3 9 maximize -qNotes: One phenotypes file must have a field named "class" which defines the class value for each person in the sample. Class specific parameters are given names with _c appended. User covariates are transformed into class-specific mu addends. All individuals in sample must have all variables specified as covariates. After choosing trait and covariates, do either sporclass or polyclass. You cannot do a second polyclass on a sporclassed model to make it polygenic. Unbalanced covariates for multivariate traits are not supported. This is different from ordinary covariate behavior for multivariate traits--which permits covariates to be missing in the sample if they are specific to a missing trait. A defined pseudo-covariate named "blank_classes()" restricts the sample to the union of all classes specified. The maximized model is asved in the output directory as polyclassmax.mod with output file polyclassmax.out. Note that if -intrait option is selected, trait name and default output directory will have leading i_ prefix (for the inormalization). If the -resmax option is selected, the trait will be named "residual" or "i_residual" if -intrait is also selected.


solar::polyclass -- (EXPERIMENTAL)Purpose: Set up polygenic model with class specific parameterizationUsage: polyclass [-g] [-intrait] [-incovar] [[-]]+ [-comb] [-maxi] [-rincovar] [-maxsnp ] sporclass [-g] [-intrait] [-incovar] [[-]]+ [-comb] [-maxi] [-rincovar] [-maxsnp ] -g Use global phenotypic values to set parameter adjustments (otherwise, means are determined for each class) -intrait inormalize trait values on a per-class basis -resmax inormalize residual values in place of traits -incovar (NOT WORKING IN version 7.1.2) inormalize covar values on a per-class basis (only used for simple linear covariates, no interactions or exponents) -comb all classes combined model -max after building the model, maximize it -maxsnp Maximize and include snp_name as covariate in the model and determine statistics for it: beta, beta se, chi, p, and variance explained (varexp). H2r's are reported for the models with and without the snp. -append Append results to existing output file(s) if anyShort Example: trait q4 covariate age sex polyclass 1-3 9 maximize -qNotes: One phenotypes file must have a field named "class" which defines the class value for each person in the sample. Class specific parameters are given names with _c appended. User covariates are transformed into class-specific mu addends. All individuals in sample must have all variables specified as covariates. After choosing trait and covariates, do either sporclass or polyclass. You cannot do a second polyclass on a sporclassed model to make it polygenic. Unbalanced covariates for multivariate traits are not supported. This is different from ordinary covariate behavior for multivariate traits--which permits covariates to be missing in the sample if they are specific to a missing trait. A defined pseudo-covariate named "blank_classes()" restricts the sample to the union of all classes specified. The maximized model is asved in the output directory as polyclassmax.mod with output file polyclassmax.out. Note that if -intrait option is selected, trait name and default output directory will have leading i_ prefix (for the inormalization). If the -resmax option is selected, the trait will be named "residual" or "i_residual" if -intrait is also selected. 041b061a72


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