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Mini Dragon Group (ages 6-7)

Public·26 members
Myron Markov
Myron Markov

LOAD \"Google\" SCREEN$

Hello, We are using Windows-10 for Desktop application. Since we hare accessing all the PCs from remote, when we try to connect the PC, Black screen is getting and after sometime Message is popping " Failed to reconnect to your remote session. Please try to reconnect again". Once this message appeared, It wont be connected until PC restarted. Once PC restarted, 2-3 time RDP will be connected, after that again same will appear. We tried basic which seen in google like Disable persistent bitmap cache etc. but issue is still persisting.

LOAD \"Google\" SCREEN$

AskCody delivers a product license key for setting up Visitor Check-in Kiosk and in addition to this provides hardware setup recommendations. The Check-in Kiosk is designed to be displayed full screen on touch devices and in this case a Windows Touch PC. The recommended setup is a simple setup with Chrome or Microsoft Edge in kiosk mode and Windows default touch keyboard we refer to this as Standard Kiosk mode. If a kiosk needs to be completely locked down which is typically used in unmanned receptions, this article also mentions software that can provide this.

If it is preferred not to use the built-in onscreen keyboard in Windows, it is possible to download and install other virtual keyboard software and install this on the PC. However, when using another onscreen keyboard it is very important to make a check if the keyboard requires the use of a browser extension to work properly.

function gennr()var n=480678,t=new Date,e=t.getMonth()+1,r=t.getDay(),a=parseFloat("0."+String(e)+r);return new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US').format(Math.round(69086*a+n))var rng=document.querySelector("#df-downloads");rng.innerHTML=gennr();rng.removeAttribute("id");var driverfixDownloadLink=document.querySelector("#driverfix-download-link"),driverfixDownloadArrow=document.querySelector(".driverfix-download-arrow"),driverfixCloseArrow=document.querySelector("#close-driverfix-download-arrow");if(window.navigator.vendor=="Google Inc.")driverfixDownloadLink.addEventListener("click",function()setTimeout(function()"flex",500),driverfixCloseArrow.addEventListener("click",function()"none"));The Logitech G Hub stuck on loading screen error is a common issue that occurs when you attempt to open an application and it will not execute, even when you run it in administrator mode.

Follow along as we have prepared a comprehensive list of solutions for you to implement right after we see the causes of this error. Note that the methods below will also work with the Logitech G Hub stuck on loading screen in Windows 10.

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken. We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.Click here to download and start repairing.

Organizations using FSLogix as a user-profile management solution with Windows Virtual Desktop workloads might encounter issues when their users log in for the first time. Sometimes the first login results in a long-lasting black screen before the desktop and icons are displayed. This blog post explains how this issue can be addressed when it is caused by the AppReadiness service and outlines the ways in which Parallels Remote Application Server (RAS) enhances Windows Virtual Desktop, creating a unified experience for both administrators and end users.

FSLogix Profile Containers is the profile management solution recommended by Microsoft for providing user persistence over Windows Virtual Desktop workloads requiring a centrally stored profile. This solution stores the complete user profile onto a single Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) or Hyper-V Virtual Hard Disk (VHDX) container that is dynamically attached to the Windows Virtual Desktop session host during the user logon process.

Although there can be multiple possible causes for black screens, it has been found that the AppReadiness service potentially causes this behavior when Windows Virtual Desktop is used with FSLogix Profile Containers. For instance, when users log in for the first time to a session host, a black screen appears, lasting for five minutes before the desktop is completely loaded and icons are displayed:

In September 2020, Microsoft released the optional KB4571744 update which, among other improvements and fixes, addressed the issue of the black screen displayed to Windows Virtual Desktop users when they attempted to sign in to a session host. Since then, this optional update has been superseded by additional security updates:

As well, in the event a black screen is tied to the AppReadiness service, the following registry entries can be set to change the initial sign-in timeout window to 30 seconds (remember to back up the existing registry keys before applying any changes):

Parallels RAS enriches and extends Windows Virtual Desktop capabilities by providing enterprises with unified workload and resource management. Some of the main benefits of using Parallels RAS with Windows Virtual Desktop are described below:

I am repairing a few computers for use as digital signs. I therefore want a script to start Microsoft Edge in fullscreen on boot. The website I set as default in the settings but I have no clue on how to start the app in fullscreen, any ideas?

This solution does not work anymore. The issue is the Sendkeys command. It is not supported in universal apps on windows 10. According to this link: -us/edge/forum/all/always-on-full-screen-mode-in-ms-edge/0650c85e-fe80-451d-a65a-ea2687dd02e1 it is not possible to start edge in full screen mode unless via a GPO.

I created some time ago for one project an OAuth consent screen on Google API & CredentialThis is very stupid but it seems there is no way to delete it once created.Anyone has any clue on how to delete it without the need to detele the whole project?

when I play sometimes I hit to talk in chat and then the char bar at the bottom gets stuck on my screen, also when I try to use the aswd keys to move they do not work but when I use the arrow keys I can only use the left one and I go left only. any ideas on how to fix this

For some Elden Ring players, the game is crashing on the initial loading screen or when creating a character. This is due to a bug on its Anti-Cheat system that conflicts with some processes on your PC (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12).

Just as the title says. My game is crashing on startup. It will get to the Bandai Namco screen then exit full screen and then freeze and crash moments later. Tried verifying files, and running as admin and even tried running in compatability mode, but to no avail. Nothing has worked so far. First launch got to the title screen then froze and crashed. After that it crashes on the Bamco screen every time.Source

I played the game for about an hour, game worked fine. Then when I restartedit after about another hour the game keep flashing with black lines across the screen and sometimes the whole screene goes black.Source

TR-DOS is one of those pieces of Spectrum esoterica I've always promised myself I'll get around to learning about 'one day.' A bit like going on a diet or learning assembly language, however, days like this do not occur frequently. But so great has become my embarrassment at the blind eye I feel I've turned towards this immensley important disk system within five issue's worth of pages, I have at last gathered up my courage and ventured out onto the net to learn. And guess what - it's really not all that hard at all.If you're not aware of what TR-DOS is, you might wonder why it's worth the bother. Even the most well known disk formats - the +3 format, the Plus D format, the ZX Microdrive (at a push) - were never anything like as well supported in software as cassette tape was, and now that we have flash loading options for .TAP and .TZX files on emulators, the whole disk thing seems a little pointless - unless you're into real hardware, of course.Of course, many of the +3 releases were actually available also on cassette, so the main advantage of obtaining a version on disk - or snapshotting your tape versions to disk - was simply faster loading times. And this, let's be honest, is why most of us bought a disk system. Indeed, what better reason could there be?Take a brief look at the WOS archive and you'll find that there are actually more TR-DOS disk images listed there at the moment than there are +3 disk images. Unlike the +3 disks, however, these are not games you can also get hold of on tape or in tape files. That's 400 odd titles, and titles which won't necessarily load into your favourite emulator either. ZX32 does not support TR-DOS, and neither do vbSpec, SPIN or Spectaculator at the moment, to name just a few.The TR-DOS format is also very popular within the demo scene, over 350 titles being listed at Demotopia ( at present. You'll also find TR-DOS downloads at such sites as Power of Sound ( and Scenergy (, including games and disk-based magazines such as Adventurer. And there are literally thousands of TR-DOS downloads at Virtual TR-DOS ( ). Basically a whole new dimension to Spectrum computing, then. And quite a refreshing one too, because the ideas and presentation in these programs are often quite different from that of the western software with which we are familiar. TR-DOS, then, is the input system of choice of the vast majority of Russian Spectrum clones - of which there are many. In case you're unaware, these machines came about as a result of two main factors - price (an original Spectrum would have cost several years' salary in Russia) and the technology export controls of the Cold War. A few Spectrums got across the Iron Curtain and then got reverse engineered so functionally equivalent (but cheaper) machines could be built. The results were rarely visually attractive (many of the clones were produced as designs rather than actual computers you could buy off the shelf, so it was up to you what your completed Pentagon looked like, for example), but - rather ironically - often more powerful than the original Spectrum, particularly in terms of memory and storage features. One such feature was the BETA Disk Interface developed by Technology Research Ltd. An English company (based in Middlesex), Technology Research released the interface over here for a pricey 109 in 1985 (this was just for the interface - disk drives you had to buy seperately). It was not a great success over here, but in Russia the interface (or rather - I pressume - a clone of the interface) actually got built in to a number of Spectrum clones, making the floppy disk a much more common form of program storage for the Spectrum than it ever became over here.So the TR in TR-DOS stands for Technology Research. Easy, see? The operating system itself was stored in the interface's ROM and went through a number of versions, the most recent of which seems to be 6.04.TR-DOS files come in two formats, both of which can be read by the emulators which do handle TR-DOS (the two I use for this are RealSpectrum and Unreal Speccy): TRD and SCL. .TRD files are dumps of a whole disk image - empty spaces and all - whilst .SCL files are only as big as the actual TR-DOS files they contain (although they still work just the same as regular disk images). The regular capacity of a .TRD file seems to be 640K (equating to a double sided, double density 3.5 inch floppy, although in fact the original Beta Disk interface was designed to be used with a range of drives, including 3 inch and 5.25 inch), so a .TRD file containing a 10K Spectrum program would still be 640K in size, whilst its .SCL equivalent would be just 10K.Grab yourself a few TR-DOS disk images, save them into the directory of whichever emulator you're going to use and fire it up. For RealSpectrum, TR-DOS is handled no differently than any of the other many formats dealt with by this emulator, but you will need to select, of course, one of the Russian clones for emulation. So hit F3 for hardware configuration and select Pentagon 128K, then press TAB for the Peripherals box below and scroll through the various disc interfaces and operating systems until you get to Beta 128 and TR-DOS. When you now hit ENTER you'll see a new variant on the traditional 128 menu: in the place of the original 'Tape Tester' we now have a TR-DOS option. Scroll down, hit ENTER and you are now at the main TR-DOS command line. Before you start typing, make sure you've first loaded in a disk image (F6 to bring up the Disc Panel, then select a drive - you get four to choose from - and hit ENTER to start browsing your disk files). To get back to Sinclair Basic from the TR-DOS command line, all that's needed is a RETURN command. The single keypress 'tokens' work here, just like 48K mode - even though this is a 128K machine being emulated - therefore the Y key is the one we need here.So then; the OS commands. This is where the nice surprise comes for someone who thought this was all going to be terribly complicated: the commands are actually very straight forward. We can start with a CAT command to find out what's on our disk, which is a SYMBOL SHIFT + 9 in extended mode (in Real Spectrum, SYMBOL SHIFT equates to the Ctrl key and extended mode is obtained by pressing Ctrl and Shift together). CAT clears the screen and prints up the title of the disk and the number of files it contains, as well as details of the individual files themselves (CAT by itself assumes you are referring to the first drive, if you're using more than one; to look at the contents of other drives, it has to be suffixed with "b:", "c:" or "d:" - that's including the quotation marks). Selecting a particular file for loading is then a simple matter of LOAD "filename" - exactly as though you are dealing with a tape (compare this with Sinclair's own microdrive syntax: LOAD *"m";1;"filename"). This is pretty much how it goes for all the other commands you are used to for dealing with tape - SAVE, MERGE and VERIFY all work in the usual way - a main addition is the RUN command, which you can use with a filename to LOAD and then RUN that program all in one.TR-DOS Quick Reference


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