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Kootukrishi 2 pdf: A Comprehensive Guide to Kerala's Collective Farming Movement

Kootukrishi 2 pdf: A Guide to Kerala's Collective Farming Movement

If you are interested in learning more about the innovative and successful collective farming movement in Kerala, India, then you might want to download and read the Kootukrishi 2 pdf. This document is a comprehensive and updated guide that covers everything you need to know about Kootukrishi, from its history and evolution to its benefits and challenges, from its current status and future prospects to its practical steps and tips. In this article, we will give you an overview of what Kootukrishi is, how to download and read the Kootukrishi 2 pdf, and how to join and participate in this movement.

Kootukrishi 2 pdf

What is Kootukrishi?

Kootukrishi is a Malayalam word that means "collective farming". It is a grassroots initiative that aims to promote organic farming, food security, environmental protection, social justice, and women empowerment in Kerala. It involves the formation of groups of farmers, mostly women, who pool their land, labor, resources, and skills to cultivate crops collectively. The groups also share the produce, profits, risks, and responsibilities of farming. Kootukrishi is not just a farming technique, but also a way of life that fosters community solidarity, mutual support, democratic participation, and sustainable development.

The history and evolution of Kootukrishi

Kootukrishi has its roots in the traditional agricultural practices of Kerala, where farmers used to cooperate with each other in various aspects of cultivation. However, the modern concept of Kootukrishi emerged in the early 2000s, when Kerala faced a severe crisis of food shortage, rising prices, declining productivity, soil degradation, pesticide pollution, farmer suicides, and rural migration. To address these issues, the state government launched a program called "Kerala People's Campaign for Ninth Plan" (KPC9), which aimed to decentralize planning and empower local governments. As part of this program, several local bodies initiated collective farming projects with the support of various government departments, NGOs, research institutions, media outlets, and civil society organizations. These projects proved to be very successful in increasing food production, improving soil fertility, reducing chemical inputs, enhancing income generation, creating employment opportunities, empowering women farmers, and strengthening local democracy. Since then, Kootukrishi has spread across the state and has become a popular and influential movement.

The benefits and challenges of Kootukrishi

Kootukrishi has many benefits for the farmers, the consumers, the environment, and the society. Some of these benefits are:

  • It increases food production and ensures food security for the farmers and the local communities.

  • It reduces the cost of cultivation and increases the profitability of farming.

  • It improves the quality and diversity of food and reduces the dependence on external markets and middlemen.

  • It promotes organic farming and conserves the natural resources and biodiversity of the region.

  • It empowers women farmers and enhances their social status, economic independence, and leadership skills.

  • It fosters community solidarity, mutual support, democratic participation, and collective decision-making among the farmers.

However, Kootukrishi also faces some challenges and limitations that need to be addressed and overcome. Some of these challenges are:

  • It requires a lot of coordination, cooperation, communication, and trust among the group members, which can be difficult to achieve and maintain.

  • It faces resistance and opposition from some sections of the society, such as landlords, moneylenders, politicians, bureaucrats, and vested interests, who fear losing their power and influence.

  • It lacks adequate support and recognition from the government policies, programs, schemes, and institutions, which often favor large-scale, commercial, and chemical-intensive farming.

  • It suffers from a shortage of land, water, seeds, inputs, infrastructure, technology, training, credit, marketing, and extension services.

  • It faces the challenges of climate change, natural disasters, pests and diseases, market fluctuations, and consumer preferences.

The current status and future prospects of Kootukrishi

Kootukrishi has grown significantly in the past two decades and has achieved remarkable results in terms of food production, income generation, environmental conservation, women empowerment, and social transformation. According to a report by the Kerala State Planning Board (KSPB), there were about 2.5 lakh Kootukrishi groups in Kerala in 2019-20, covering about 1.5 lakh hectares of land and involving about 25 lakh farmers. The report also estimated that Kootukrishi contributed to about 40% of the total food production in the state. Kootukrishi has also received national and international recognition and appreciation for its achievements. For instance, in 2010, Kootukrishi was awarded the UNDP Equator Prize for its outstanding contribution to poverty reduction and biodiversity conservation. In 2018, Kootukrishi was featured in the FAO's publication "Scaling up Agroecology Initiative: Transforming food and agricultural systems in support of the SDGs". In 2019, Kootukrishi was selected as one of the best practices for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the NITI Aayog.

Kootukrishi has a bright future ahead as it has the potential to address many of the current and emerging challenges facing Kerala's agriculture sector. However, to realize this potential, Kootukrishi needs more support and encouragement from various stakeholders, such as the government, the media, the academia, the NGOs, the private sector, and the consumers. Some of the possible ways to support and strengthen Kootukrishi are:

  • Providing more land, water, seeds, inputs, infrastructure, technology, training, credit, marketing, and extension services to Kootukrishi groups.

  • Integrating Kootukrishi into the state's agricultural policies, programs, schemes, and institutions.

  • Creating more awareness and demand for Kootukrishi products among the consumers.

  • Encouraging more research and documentation on Kootukrishi's impacts and best practices.

  • Facilitating more networking and collaboration among Kootukrishi groups and other stakeholders.

  • Innovating new models and methods of Kootukrishi that suit different contexts and needs.

How to download and read Kootukrishi 2 pdf

If you want to learn more about Kootukrishi in detail, then you might want to download and read the Kootukrishi 2 pdf. This is a document that was published by the Kerala State Planning Board (KSPB) in 2019 as a part of its "Kerala Perspective Plan 2030". It is an updated version of the first Kootukrishi document that was published by the KSPB in 2008. The Kootukrishi 2 pdf provides a comprehensive overview of Kootukrishi's history, evolution, achievements, challenges, and future directions. It also contains several case studies, statistics, graphs, tables, and photos that illustrate Kootukrishi's impact and diversity. The Kootukrishi 2 pdf is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to understand and appreciate Kootukrishi better.

Where to find and download Kootukrishi 2 pdf

The Kootukrishi 2 pdf is available online for free download. You can find it on the official website of the Kerala State Planning Board (KSPB) at On the homepage, you will see a section called "Publications" where you can click on the link "Kootukrishi 2". This will take you to a page where you can see the cover page and the table of contents of the document. You can also download the full document or individual chapters by clicking on the respective links. The document is in PDF format and has a file size of about 15 MB. You will need a PDF reader software such as Adobe Acrobat Reader to open and view the document.

How to open and read Kootukrishi 2 pdf

Once you have downloaded the Kootukrishi 2 pdf, you can open and read it using any PDF reader software. You can also print it or save it on your device for future reference. The document has 224 pages and is divided into 10 chapters. The chapters are:

  • Introduction

  • Kootukrishi: Concept and Evolution

  • Kootukrishi: Achievements and Impacts

  • Kootukrishi: Challenges and Limitations

  • Kootukrishi: Future Directions and Recommendations

  • Kootukrishi: Case Studies

  • Kootukrishi: Statistics

  • Kootukrishi: Graphs

  • Kootukrishi: Tables

  • Kootukrishi: Photos

You can read the document in any order you prefer, but we suggest that you start with the introduction chapter to get a general overview of Kootukrishi and its significance. Then you can proceed to the other chapters according to your interest and curiosity. You can also use the table of contents, the index, and the search function to find specific topics or keywords that you want to learn more about.

What are the main contents and features of Kootukrishi 2 pdf

The Kootukrishi 2 pdf is a comprehensive and updated guide that covers everything you need to know about Kootukrishi. Some of the main contents and features of the document are:

  • It provides a clear and concise definition of Kootukrishi and its core principles and values.

  • It traces the history and evolution of Kootukrishi from its origins in the traditional agricultural practices of Kerala to its emergence as a modern collective farming movement in the early 2000s.

  • It showcases the achievements and impacts of Kootukrishi in terms of food production, income generation, environmental conservation, women empowerment, and social transformation.

  • It analyzes the challenges and limitations of Kootukrishi in terms of coordination, cooperation, communication, trust, resistance, opposition, support, recognition, resources, services, climate change, natural disasters, pests and diseases, market fluctuations, and consumer preferences.

  • It suggests future directions and recommendations for Kootukrishi in terms of providing more land, water, seeds, inputs, infrastructure, technology, training, credit, marketing, extension services, integrating Kootukrishi into the state's agricultural policies, programs, schemes, and institutions, creating more awareness and demand for Kootukrishi products among the consumers, encouraging more research and documentation on Kootukrishi's impacts and best practices, facilitating more networking and collaboration among Kootukrishi groups and other stakeholders, and innovating new models and methods of Kootukrishi that suit different contexts and needs.

  • It presents several case studies that illustrate the diversity and impact of Kootukrishi in different districts, sectors, and themes. Some of these case studies are: Kudumbashree's role in Kootukrishi, Kootukrishi in tribal areas, Kootukrishi in coastal areas, Kootukrishi in urban areas, Kootukrishi in organic farming, Kootukrishi in paddy cultivation, Kootukrishi in vegetable cultivation, Kootukrishi in fruit cultivation, Kootukrishi in medicinal plants cultivation, and Kootukrishi in floriculture.

  • It provides statistics on various aspects of Kootukrishi, such as the number of groups, the area of land, the number of farmers, the types of crops, the quantity of production, the value of output, the cost of cultivation, the net income, the savings, the loans, the subsidies, the awards, and the recognition.

  • It displays graphs that compare and contrast Kootukrishi with other forms of farming in terms of productivity, profitability, sustainability, and empowerment.

  • It uses tables to summarize and organize the information and data on Kootukrishi in a clear and concise manner.

  • It includes photos that capture the beauty and diversity of Kootukrishi and its farmers.

How to join and participate in Kootukrishi

If you are inspired by Kootukrishi and want to join and participate in this movement, then you are most welcome. Kootukrishi is open to anyone who is interested in collective farming and who is willing to follow its principles and values. You can join an existing Kootukrishi group or form a new one with your friends, neighbors, relatives, or colleagues. You can also register your group with the government or any other organization that supports Kootukrishi. Here are some steps and tips on how to join and participate in Kootukrishi:

Who can join Kootukrishi?

Kootukrishi is open to anyone who is interested in collective farming and who is willing to follow its principles and values. However, there are some criteria that you need to meet to join or form a Kootukrishi group. These criteria are:

  • You should have access to some land that you can use for cultivation. The land can be your own or leased or borrowed from someone else. The land can be any size or shape or location. The land can be barren or fertile or degraded or polluted. The land can be used for any type of crop or activity.

  • You should have a group of people who share your interest and vision for collective farming. The group can be any size or composition or structure. The group can be formed by anyone or any organization. The group can be based on any criteria such as gender, age, caste, class, religion, occupation, location, or interest.

  • You should have a common goal and plan for your collective farming project. The goal and plan can be any type or scope or duration. The goal and plan can be decided by anyone or any organization. The goal and plan can be based on any factors such as market demand, consumer preference, resource availability, environmental condition, social need, or personal interest.

How to form a Kootukrishi group

If you want to form a new Kootukrishi group with your friends, neighbors, relatives, or colleagues, then you need to follow some steps and tips to make your group successful and sustainable. Some of these steps and tips are:

  • Identify and contact the potential members of your group. You can use various methods such as word-of-mouth, social media, flyers, posters, meetings, workshops, or campaigns to reach out to them. You can also seek the help of any organization that supports Kootukrishi, such as Kudumbashree, Krishi Bhavan, Agricultural University, NGOs, or media outlets.

  • Organize a meeting with the interested members and discuss your vision and plan for your collective farming project. You can use various tools such as brainstorming, SWOT analysis, PRA techniques, or participatory planning to facilitate the discussion. You can also invite any expert or resource person who can guide you on technical or managerial aspects of collective farming.

  • Formalize your group by choosing a name, a logo, a motto, a leader, a secretary, a treasurer, and a committee. You can also draft a constitution or a by-law that defines the roles and responsibilities of each member and the rules and regulations of the group. You can also register your group with the government or any other organization that supports Kootukrishi.

  • Open a bank account for your group and collect some initial funds from each member. You can also apply for any loan or subsidy or grant that is available for collective farming from the government or any other organization. You can also seek any donation or sponsorship from any individual or institution that is willing to support your group.

How to register and get support for Kootukrishi

If you want to register and get support for your Kootukrishi group from the government or any other organization that supports Kootukrishi, then you need to follow some steps and tips to make your registration and support process smooth and easy. Some of these steps and tips are:

  • Find out the eligibility criteria and the application procedure for registering and getting support for Kootukrishi from the government or any other organization. You can visit their websites or offices or contact their representatives to get this information. You can also consult any expert or resource person who has experience in registering and getting support for Kootukrishi.

  • Prepare and submit the required documents and forms for registering and getting support for Kootukrishi from the government or any other organization. You may need to provide documents such as your group's constitution or by-law, bank account details, land ownership or lease agreement, crop plan or budget, project proposal or report, etc. You may also need to fill forms such as application form, registration form, loan form, subsidy form, grant form, etc.

  • Follow up and monitor the status of your registration and support process with the government or any other organization. You may need to visit their offices or contact their representatives periodically to check the progress of your application. You may also need to provide any additional information or clarification that they may ask for.

  • Receive and utilize the registration and support services from the government or any other organization. You may receive services such as land allocation, water supply, seed distribution, input supply, infrastructure development, technology transfer, training provision, credit facility, marketing assistance, extension service, etc. You should use these services wisely and responsibly to improve your collective farming project.

How to plan and implement a Kootukrishi project

If you want to plan and implement a successful and sustainable Kootukrishi project with your group, then you need to follow some steps and tips to make your project effective and efficient. Some of these steps and tips are:

  • Conduct a participatory situation analysis of your group and your land. You can use various tools such as mapping, transect walk, resource inventory, problem tree, stakeholder analysis, etc. to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your group and your land. You can also collect and analyze any relevant data such as soil type, water availability, climate condition, crop suitability, market demand, etc.

  • Set a realistic and achievable goal and objective for your collective farming project. You can use the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to define your goal and objective. You can also consult any expert or resource person who can help you set your goal and objective.

  • Choose a suitable crop or activity for your collective farming project. You can consider various factors such as market demand, consumer preference, resource availability, environmental condition, social need, or personal interest to select your crop or activity. You can also seek any advice or recommendation from any expert or resource person who can help you choose your crop or activity.

  • Prepare a detailed crop plan or budget for your collective farming project. You can use various tools such as calendar, matrix, table, chart, etc. to plan your crop or activity in terms of land preparation, seed selection, sowing, weeding, fertilizing, irrigating, harvesting, processing, marketing, etc. You can also estimate the cost and income of your crop or activity in terms of inputs, outputs, profits, savings, loans, subsidies, grants, etc.

Implement your collective farming project with your group members. You


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