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Young Ninja Group (ages 3-5)

Public·16 members
Myron Markov
Myron Markov

Fighting Our Virtualization Standards [HOT]

The most widely adopted standard for data center design and data center infrastructure is ANSI/TIA-942. It includes standards for ANSI/TIA-942-ready certification, which ensures compliance with one of four categories of data center tiers rated for levels of redundancy and fault tolerance.

Fighting Our Virtualization Standards

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This evolution has given rise to distributed computing. This is where data and applications are distributed among disparate systems, connected and integrated by network services and interoperability standards to function as a single environment. It has meant the term data center is now used to refer to the department that has responsibility for these systems irrespective of where they are located.

To fulfill its mission of accelerating the adoption of SDN and network functions virtualization (NFV), the non-profit consortium champions the use of open source software, open source platforms and the disaggregation of networking devices from proprietary software control solutions.

But some industry vendors haven't been playing along, poaching open source contributions for their own proprietary offerings without giving much back to the community, the ONF said, so it's fighting back in an attempt to nip that trend in the bud.

The ONF said the Open Innovation Platform will provide integrated solutions to network operators that use open source platforms and "software-defined standards" in their products and services. Any member can contribute to the pipeline to include its own innovations in the integrated solutions provided to customers. Different pipeline instances will focus on specfic use cases. So far, active pipelines address ultra-broadband access, 5G mobile (from RAN to core), enterprise VPNs and packet-optical core use cases.

Since they take up little physical space but operate as if existing on fully-fledged hardware, virtual machine processors are often fighting for VM resources. Correctly allocating resources between various VMs present in your IT infrastructure will ensure fair and efficient virtual machine resource allocation. Maintaining a healthy balance of virtual machine resources will optimize individual VM capabilities, thereby improving your overall network performance.

Yes, this goes against the fundamentals of virtualization and so you may lose this fight with your Virtualization admin but it is worth arguing for. Dedicated resources mean that you can take a fight for resources on the VM host out of the equation.

The intentions of each were roughly similar: to create an additional level of protection for card issuers by ensuring that merchants meet minimum levels of security when they store, process, and transmit cardholder data. To address interoperability problems among the existing standards, the combined effort made by the principal credit card organizations resulted in the release of version 1.0 of PCI DSS in December 2004.[citation needed] PCI DSS has been implemented and followed across the globe.

All companies who are subject to PCI DSS standards must be PCI compliant. However, how they prove and report their compliance is based on how many transactions they process per year and how they process those transactions. The acquirer or payment brands may also choose to manually place an organization into a reporting level at their discretion.[8]

In 2009, Nevada incorporated the standard into state law, requiring compliance of merchants doing business in that state with the current PCI DSS, and shielding compliant entities from liability. The Nevada law also allows merchants to avoid liability by other approved security standards.[17][14]

Others have suggested that PCI DSS is a step toward making all businesses pay more attention to IT security, even if minimum standards are not enough to completely eradicate security problems. For example, Bruce Schneier has spoken in favour of PCI DSS:

[PCI is a structured] blend...[of] specificity and high-level concepts [that allows] stakeholders the opportunity and flexibility to work with Qualified Security Assessors (QSAs) to determine appropriate security controls within their environment that meet the intent of the PCI standards.[22]

Sure, we do have some Databases which we keep in an AlwaysOn Availability Group. They are pretty small, 20-50 GB in size. We currently only require 4 vCPU to keep them running at good speed. Our virtualization hosts are quite OK, but will even be more powerful in the near future (2x 12 Cores with >384 GB RAM).

THOMAS J DUESTERBERG: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. It's a pleasure to welcome all of you to the Hudson Institute on this beautiful winter day here in Washington. We're here to discuss the role of standards and the standard processes in the competition to roll out 5G systems around the world. This is a subject of considerable economic, national security and political significance. 5G standards are important not only to the communications sector but to emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of things and autonomous vehicles. The role of export controls in affecting our ability to participate in international standards-making processes is front and center to our discussion today. We have a distinguished group of speakers to cover each aspect of this issue, so I'm not going to dwell on it from the podium.

ROBERT STRAYER: Good afternoon, everyone. I want to thank the Hudson Institute for hosting this topic - this discussion on this timely and topical subject. And, Tom, thanks a lot for that introduction. And it's particularly important we're talking about 5G and spectrum policy and standards on the heels of the recently concluded ITU World Radiocommunication Conference that was held in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, where the world came together to consider global harmonization of 5G spectrum. Those outcomes help illustrate a few points regarding the importance of global standards in American leadership in 5G. The WRC concluded on November 22. In the end, the conference identified 17.5 gigahertz of additional millimeter wave spectrum for 5G. This builds on an existing 1.9 gigahertz of spectrum that was already identified for 5G use prior to the World Radiocommunication Conference. Of this new 17.7 gigahertz, almost 15 gigahertz is globally harmonized. Why is that important? Well, global harmonization of this spectrum brings the possibility for economies of scale, lowering deployment costs for providers and device costs for consumers. When operators are deploying 10- to 50-millimeter-wave 5G base stations for every one of the existing macrocell sites of 4G and 3G base stations, those deployment costs will truly matter. And then when every country is racing to be the first to take advantage of the benefits of 5G, rapid deployment and rapid adoption are very important. These decisions help set the stage for an ecosystem of equipment and devices that can operate across various ranges of spectrum in these upper-level bands.

Importantly, our efforts helped ensure that the outcomes from the WRC aligned with U.S. actions already taken by the Federal Communications Commission as part of its 5G FAST Plan regarding 5G options - auctions and licensing in these upper-level bands that will be critical for 5G. Compare - the spectrum identified for - at the WRC '19 compared to the spectrum identified in the FCC 5G FAST Plan are nearly identical. U.S. has already auctioned or will auction spectrum in 24-gigahertz, 37-gigahertz, 39-gigahertz and 47-gigahertz bands. And because we are further ahead in the auction pipeline for these bands, the United States will lead in the commercial ecosystem built for millimeter wave 5G markets. The upshot is that our engagement at the WRC has positioned the United States to be able to set the pace not just for the equipment that will be developed but the services and applications and business models that will ride on top of that - of the very important 5G ecosystem. This is just one instance in the way that global standardization helps to drive the market. And this is only one way in which the United States must engage in shaping the global standards that will drive the next generation of emerging technologies. Standards, indeed, shape markets. Standards ensure safety, quality, reliability of products and services, as well as their interoperability. Standards help overcome barriers to trade and support the global economy. In the 5G world, standards play a key role in the development of equipment and consumer devices. They help ensure the interoperability of equipment and to allow for innovation and for competitive markets.

Standards also allow for a competitive playing field across vendors and providers, as well as across countries, and that will all benefit consumers. Standards also allow industry to hold themselves accountable. The powerful forces of the free market can police substandard products or services, particularly when the standards themselves are fairly and transparently developed and readily accessible. The United States has long been a supporter of open, transparent, consensus-based standards processes. Our existing national standard strategy reflects the market-driven philosophy of the American economy. In short, our standards process is successful because the very groups that need these standards - that is, the stakeholders - decide what standards are needed, when they are needed and what will meet their requirements. Our market-driven, private-sector-led approach is substantially different from approaches favored in other parts of the world, including in China. Standards developing in the United States is a public-private partnership in which government participates alongside industry to drive the best technologies and solutions forward to reduce friction in trade and reduce cost to consumers. And to date, this bottom-up approach has produced a diversity of thought that leads to innovation and narrowly tailored standards relevant to the specific needs of industry. Let's take - let's pause a minute and look at what other countries' attitudes are toward standards. We are in an area - era of unprecedented international competition.


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